Author’s Note: In the Anthony Horowitz book, Point Blank, there are battles of good versus evil, and all of it is pulled together so well, it seems real.
“The flames were tearing through the building. Fed by a variety of chemicals, they burst through the floor, melting the asphalt. In the far distance, the scream of fire engines penetrated the sun filled air. Alex pulled with all his strength, trying to bring the gun down.”(214) In the Anthony Horowitz book, Point Blank, which follows the Alex Rider series, the fictitious battle of good versus evil displays what happens in real life.
In the Alex Rider series, Alex is constantly fighting evil, he knows that his life will always be in danger, but he realized that fact after his first mission, Stormbreaker. Mission Stormbreaker was a treacherous mission and he will never get rid of the memory that he was almost knifed to death by Mr. Grinn. Mr. Grinn was evil but Alex didn’t quite know that until that very day.
Anthony Horowitz is a very talented writer with a true gift. He makes everything in his books sound real. Just like in the Stormbreaker book, he explained the smell the look and the feel and I felt like I was in the story. Anthony soon wrote a new book and it has the descriptions of Mr. Baxter. Mr. Baxter was killed by a man named Dr. Grief. Dr. Grief runs a finishing school… well what looks like a finishing school.
Through and through, the Alex Rider book, Point Blank, Alex is a young spy that is looked upon by MI6 and is taking on secret missions that is a danger to himself and the others around him. Overall, Alex Rider is the best series I have ever read and I would HIGHLY recommend it to anyone who loves action and adventure.
The Endangerment of Alex Rider
BOOM! The helicopter blew up and Alex didn’t even care because Harrid Sale, the bad guy who is trying to kill little helpless kids and who has poisoned every computer with small pocks, was getting away. The Alex Rider series, by Anthony Horowitz, will help readers understand what emotions the main character is going through because the story is packed full of action and adventure which will help readers understand that Alex is going through a tough time because his uncle had died and he was hiding a mystery.
If you like technology and spies and many other things like that, then you should read Stormbreaker and if you don’t then you won’t get any other books in the series because it is the beginning story of Alex Rider. It tells about his life and how Ian Rider died, but I am not going to get into those details because that is something you can learn for yourself if you read it. If you have already read it then you know what happens and you shouldn't give it away to anyone else.
Do you know what it feels like to loose someone and then you just wanted to say one last thing and there was no time because they were gone. Well, that is what Alex feels like right now and he should be very sad. I think that he will be very sad and happy at the same time because he wanted to know what Ian was hiding and at the same time he was sad because Ian is not with us anymore.
Alex Rider. The most heroic name in all of England. Hero Boyfriend and even Spy. He knew he was known and he was proud of it. He was also proud to say he was related to Ian Rider, the greatest spy and uncle of all time. To him life was a journey and to Jack, the nanny, life was an adventure.
Warriors Series
Author's Note: This is a story that tells you about the Warriors series and also it tells you about some of the characters.
Firestar not only has to help his clan, but he has to help his clan without Bluestar. Bluestar was definitely not the nicest cat in the books but she was the most sincere. She was brave, tough and great at keeping calm. She is great under pressure so she can handle all the trouble that Graypaw and Firepaw get into. So that concludes my part on Bluestar, so listen up and you’ll hear about Scourge.
Scourge is the toughest and the meanest cat in all of the forest. Even worse than Tigerstar. Scourge killed Tigerstar with the swipe of a paw. He tried with Firestar but he didn’t swipe hard enough to kill Firestar. Firestar just lost a life. Which he has eight of them left so he is still strong and will live for much longer. Scourge is from Bloodclan and they don’t even believe in Starclan. Bloodclan wanted to take over the forest but only Tigerclan accepted. Tigerclan was made up of Riverclan and Shadowclan. Leopardstar did not care that there was a huge pile of bones in the middle of their territory. I think that she did care but she didn’t want to die.
Next I will tell you about Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight. They are the cutest couple in this whole book other than Firestar and Sandstorm. They are so cute that they will go on adventures together and they will also do anything to make each other happy and that is the cutest thing in the world, to me. I know that a little while in the book they will mate and if you think that is gross than that is just sad because it is happy and it shouldn’t be gross. It is like your parents and if they weren’t together then you would not be alive right now. Anyway, back to Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight. They should be very happy to be together and I am happy for them. Even though they are in a fight right now I know they have feelings for each other.
This has been great to tell you about the Warriors series and I look forward to tell you more and more because Erin Hunter doesn’t seem to plan on stopping writing any time soon. So that is my story and I know that if you read it you will like it just as much as I do.It was a long and treacherous journey and they were all so tiered. The mother was grieving for her loss. I grieve too. They all are so starving and agitated from all of the crying and sadness. They were all about to reach their new home. The group was all sad because they all had to leave their burning home and it was surely gone by now. The clans were absolutely devastated. I don’t know whether to be sad or happy. They might get a better home than they used to but they also have left behind four elders who thought they wouldn’t make it through the long journey. Even though it is too late to go back and get them. Everyone who has read or is reading the Warriors series loves it because you just want to know more. The Warriors series is truly the BEST series ever written.
Alice's Lover
Author’s Note: This is a adventurous story about Alice and her lover... well he loves her but she can’t stand to even see him. I wouldn’t be able to look at him either. I mean when you see someone, you don’t just start getting all mushy. That is gross.
In the book, Alice in the country of Hearts, by Quinrose, Alice is a young girl that got trapped in a world that she doesn’t know. She has a lover, his name is Peter White and he is half Rabbit half man... Well he is a man with rabbit ears. Overall, this is a highly recommendable book with all of the action and adventure.
The action in the Country of Hearts is a battle for the trust. Alice trusts Blood and Ace. She just HATES Peter White and he trusts her though he likes, he loves her, and at times, he can get very odd. During the first page of the book, he was stalking her and at that he was trouble since the beginning.
The adventure in this book is as odd as the characters. Alice is the only normal person in this series... she has a heart for a heart and on the other hand there is Ace. He has a Clock for a heart. She went through this interesting journey just to find out that everyone in the other world have clocks for hearts.
Through and through, The Alice in the Country of Hearts series is an adventurous and action packed novel. The other books aren’t as thrilling as volume 1. If you could become one of the characters, who would it be? I would be the trustworthy Alice. I would highly recommend this series to anyone.
Alice and Her Troubles
Author’s Note: Alice in the Country of Hearts is an adventurous novel about a young girl named Alice. She has been in the Country of Hearts for quite some time now and she is very much in trouble. Everyone is starting to fall in love with her, including Blood Dupre, Peter White, Julius, and Elliot. Now she is wondering what to do. In Ouinrose's novel, Alice in the Country of Hearts, Alice is an adventurous character. She is having a bit of trouble though because of the people who are totally In love with her. Even though she hates it, she deals with it. Everyone from Peter White to Blood Dupre. They are all going crazy over Alice. I hate that fact that everyone is falling for her but that has nothing to do with the fact that she HAS to finish the game. In the Country of Hearts, everyone is starting to fall head over heals for Alice, nobody is safe.
The battle for her heart is becoming this grueling fight for love. All of the guys in the Country of Hearts are going into a trance for Alice. It is just like in the show Suit Life with Zack and Cody, London, the prissy daughter of Mr. Tipton, creates this perfume that makes guys lover her and at one point, sheets annoyed and creates another perfume to undo their love for her. Over all of that, London is back to her old self with people still crowding her but because they want her money.
Peter White is a no good killing machine. He will try and kill anyone who loves Alice. Everyone in the Country of Hearts know what he will do. They all know to stay far away from him and Tweedle Dee and Dum. They are the guards for Elliot’s Mansion. Elliot also loves Alice. Right now, it is a love triangle with Alice in the middle of the fighting.
Now that Everyone is inviting her to live with them, she decides to stay with Julius. With him is the only place that isn’t always being infiltrated by Peter and the other ones. He is probably the only one in the Country of Hearts that doesn’t love Alice. They are both very happy because it is a kill free zone at the clock tower.
Through and Through, they all love Alice and even though she despises almost everyone that loves her, she deals with the fact that she can’t change their minds. No matter what she does. With the love triangle and the game, She just doesn’t know what to do.
Are We Making the Right Choice?
Author's Note: I think that drilling in Alaska would be a very bad idea because of the pros and cons. There are some pros but there are a lot more cons. If it were up to me, there wouldn't even be a debate about this. I would say, NO WAY, to drilling the first time that it is mentioned. But it isn't up to me. (So if you would like to focus on my amazing vocabulary, that would be great.)
Drilling in Alaska sounds harmful and dangerous. I think that they should not drill. First of all, they are harming the wildlife, and second of all there are a lot of electric cars now so. Even though there are lots of harms, there are a lot of benefits as well. One of the benefits would be to drilling is that if they find a lot of oil, the oil prices would go down. Throughout all of the information that was brought upon me, I think that we should not drill in Alaska's wildlife.
The money issues are a huge deal in the oil industries. One of the money issues is the price to drill. According to,, the price of a new oil rig would be $10 million dollars. Personally, I think that is too much for a drill. If it were up to you, would you pay that much for a drill? Even if the drill was high powered and it wasn't supposed create pollution, it is still a bad idea for danger purposes. Did you know that the drill weighs more than 3 elephants combined? Well, you do now. Through and through, the drills are very expensive and the cost of paying for all the jobs, would be over 12 million dollars.
Even though money is an important issue there is another issue. It is the people who are protesting against the drilling. There are a lot of people on board with the drilling, but there are even more people against it. It would be important to stop drilling for a while(Or until the economy gets better). When the oil runs out, what will we do? Ride bikes everywhere? Wouldn't it be better to buy an electric car? They are fuel efficient and they don't cost too much.
Though the people are important, the environment, is more important. The animals and their habitats. In the future, if the U.S.A. wants to be the most green in the world, then we can't use heavy materials like drills and bull dozers to ruin the habitat that animals and humans live in. Even though Alaska doesn’t have that many people, they are destroying the habitat for animals and other wildlife.
In Alaska there aren't many people, but that doesn't mean that the wildlife has to suffer or the environment has to be polluted. We can keep our country clean and safe if we all just stick to what we believe in and not pollute areas just to make more pollution in other more populated areas. We should protect the environment and not destroy the places we all know and love.

Author's Note: This is a story that tells you about the Warriors series and also it tells you about some of the characters.
Firestar not only has to help his clan, but he has to help his clan without Bluestar. Bluestar was definitely not the nicest cat in the books but she was the most sincere. She was brave, tough and great at keeping calm. She is great under pressure so she can handle all the trouble that Graypaw and Firepaw get into. So that concludes my part on Bluestar, so listen up and you’ll hear about Scourge.Scourge is the toughest and the meanest cat in all of the forest. Even worse than Tigerstar. Scourge killed Tigerstar with the swipe of a paw. He tried with Firestar but he didn’t swipe hard enough to kill Firestar. Firestar just lost a life. Which he has eight of them left so he is still strong and will live for much longer. Scourge is from Bloodclan and they don’t even believe in Starclan. Bloodclan wanted to take over the forest but only Tigerclan accepted. Tigerclan was made up of Riverclan and Shadowclan. Leopardstar did not care that there was a huge pile of bones in the middle of their territory. I think that she did care but she didn’t want to die.
Next I will tell you about Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight. They are the cutest couple in this whole book other than Firestar and Sandstorm. They are so cute that they will go on adventures together and they will also do anything to make each other happy and that is the cutest thing in the world, to me. I know that a little while in the book they will mate and if you think that is gross than that is just sad because it is happy and it shouldn’t be gross. It is like your parents and if they weren’t together then you would not be alive right now. Anyway, back to Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight. They should be very happy to be together and I am happy for them. Even though they are in a fight right now I know they have feelings for each other.
This has been great to tell you about the Warriors series and I look forward to tell you more and more because Erin Hunter doesn’t seem to plan on stopping writing any time soon. So that is my story and I know that if you read it you will like it just as much as I do.
It was a long and treacherous journey and they were all so tiered. The mother was grieving for her loss. I grieve too. They all are so starving and agitated from all of the crying and sadness. They were all about to reach their new home. The group was all sad because they all had to leave their burning home and it was surely gone by now. The clans were absolutely devastated. I don’t know whether to be sad or happy. They might get a better home than they used to but they also have left behind four elders who thought they wouldn’t make it through the long journey. Even though it is too late to go back and get them. Everyone who has read or is reading the Warriors series loves it because you just want to know more. The Warriors series is truly the BEST series ever written. Alice's Lover
Author’s Note: This is a adventurous story about Alice and her lover... well he loves her but she can’t stand to even see him. I wouldn’t be able to look at him either. I mean when you see someone, you don’t just start getting all mushy. That is gross.
In the book, Alice in the country of Hearts, by Quinrose, Alice is a young girl that got trapped in a world that she doesn’t know. She has a lover, his name is Peter White and he is half Rabbit half man... Well he is a man with rabbit ears. Overall, this is a highly recommendable book with all of the action and adventure.
The action in the Country of Hearts is a battle for the trust. Alice trusts Blood and Ace. She just HATES Peter White and he trusts her though he likes, he loves her, and at times, he can get very odd. During the first page of the book, he was stalking her and at that he was trouble since the beginning.
The adventure in this book is as odd as the characters. Alice is the only normal person in this series... she has a heart for a heart and on the other hand there is Ace. He has a Clock for a heart. She went through this interesting journey just to find out that everyone in the other world have clocks for hearts.
Through and through, The Alice in the Country of Hearts series is an adventurous and action packed novel. The other books aren’t as thrilling as volume 1. If you could become one of the characters, who would it be? I would be the trustworthy Alice. I would highly recommend this series to anyone.
Alice and Her Troubles
Author’s Note: Alice in the Country of Hearts is an adventurous novel about a young girl named Alice. She has been in the Country of Hearts for quite some time now and she is very much in trouble. Everyone is starting to fall in love with her, including Blood Dupre, Peter White, Julius, and Elliot. Now she is wondering what to do.
In Ouinrose's novel, Alice in the Country of Hearts, Alice is an adventurous character. She is having a bit of trouble though because of the people who are totally In love with her. Even though she hates it, she deals with it. Everyone from Peter White to Blood Dupre. They are all going crazy over Alice. I hate that fact that everyone is falling for her but that has nothing to do with the fact that she HAS to finish the game. In the Country of Hearts, everyone is starting to fall head over heals for Alice, nobody is safe.
The battle for her heart is becoming this grueling fight for love. All of the guys in the Country of Hearts are going into a trance for Alice. It is just like in the show Suit Life with Zack and Cody, London, the prissy daughter of Mr. Tipton, creates this perfume that makes guys lover her and at one point, sheets annoyed and creates another perfume to undo their love for her. Over all of that, London is back to her old self with people still crowding her but because they want her money.
Peter White is a no good killing machine. He will try and kill anyone who loves Alice. Everyone in the Country of Hearts know what he will do. They all know to stay far away from him and Tweedle Dee and Dum. They are the guards for Elliot’s Mansion. Elliot also loves Alice. Right now, it is a love triangle with Alice in the middle of the fighting.
Now that Everyone is inviting her to live with them, she decides to stay with Julius. With him is the only place that isn’t always being infiltrated by Peter and the other ones. He is probably the only one in the Country of Hearts that doesn’t love Alice. They are both very happy because it is a kill free zone at the clock tower.
Through and Through, they all love Alice and even though she despises almost everyone that loves her, she deals with the fact that she can’t change their minds. No matter what she does. With the love triangle and the game, She just doesn’t know what to do.

The battle for her heart is becoming this grueling fight for love. All of the guys in the Country of Hearts are going into a trance for Alice. It is just like in the show Suit Life with Zack and Cody, London, the prissy daughter of Mr. Tipton, creates this perfume that makes guys lover her and at one point, sheets annoyed and creates another perfume to undo their love for her. Over all of that, London is back to her old self with people still crowding her but because they want her money.
Peter White is a no good killing machine. He will try and kill anyone who loves Alice. Everyone in the Country of Hearts know what he will do. They all know to stay far away from him and Tweedle Dee and Dum. They are the guards for Elliot’s Mansion. Elliot also loves Alice. Right now, it is a love triangle with Alice in the middle of the fighting.
Now that Everyone is inviting her to live with them, she decides to stay with Julius. With him is the only place that isn’t always being infiltrated by Peter and the other ones. He is probably the only one in the Country of Hearts that doesn’t love Alice. They are both very happy because it is a kill free zone at the clock tower.
Through and Through, they all love Alice and even though she despises almost everyone that loves her, she deals with the fact that she can’t change their minds. No matter what she does. With the love triangle and the game, She just doesn’t know what to do.
Are We Making the Right Choice?
Author's Note: I think that drilling in Alaska would be a very bad idea because of the pros and cons. There are some pros but there are a lot more cons. If it were up to me, there wouldn't even be a debate about this. I would say, NO WAY, to drilling the first time that it is mentioned. But it isn't up to me. (So if you would like to focus on my amazing vocabulary, that would be great.)
Drilling in Alaska sounds harmful and dangerous. I think that they should not drill. First of all, they are harming the wildlife, and second of all there are a lot of electric cars now so. Even though there are lots of harms, there are a lot of benefits as well. One of the benefits would be to drilling is that if they find a lot of oil, the oil prices would go down. Throughout all of the information that was brought upon me, I think that we should not drill in Alaska's wildlife.
The money issues are a huge deal in the oil industries. One of the money issues is the price to drill. According to,, the price of a new oil rig would be $10 million dollars. Personally, I think that is too much for a drill. If it were up to you, would you pay that much for a drill? Even if the drill was high powered and it wasn't supposed create pollution, it is still a bad idea for danger purposes. Did you know that the drill weighs more than 3 elephants combined? Well, you do now. Through and through, the drills are very expensive and the cost of paying for all the jobs, would be over 12 million dollars.
Even though money is an important issue there is another issue. It is the people who are protesting against the drilling. There are a lot of people on board with the drilling, but there are even more people against it. It would be important to stop drilling for a while(Or until the economy gets better). When the oil runs out, what will we do? Ride bikes everywhere? Wouldn't it be better to buy an electric car? They are fuel efficient and they don't cost too much.
Though the people are important, the environment, is more important. The animals and their habitats. In the future, if the U.S.A. wants to be the most green in the world, then we can't use heavy materials like drills and bull dozers to ruin the habitat that animals and humans live in. Even though Alaska doesn’t have that many people, they are destroying the habitat for animals and other wildlife.
In Alaska there aren't many people, but that doesn't mean that the wildlife has to suffer or the environment has to be polluted. We can keep our country clean and safe if we all just stick to what we believe in and not pollute areas just to make more pollution in other more populated areas. We should protect the environment and not destroy the places we all know and love.