Champion of Cookie Dough---> 5.18.12
Last summer, I sold cookie dough for the Pewaukee schools
and I ended up getting the reward I rightfully deserved. I sold not only for
the prize money, but because my dad said that if I sold 200 boxes of cookie
dough I would be able to get a bunny. So, I sold my little heart out and found
something great at the end of my journey.
The bunny that I was looking at was named Peanut and he was
a Holland Lop. Holland Lop rabbits are the largest breed of rabbit. It is also
the kindest rabbit breed. I remember the first time I met Peanut… It was at my friend Maddie’s house, and they
had him running around in the living room. I asked them how old he is and they
said 2 months. Right there I knew that if they were ever getting rid of him, I
would be the best home… Then asking my parents were another story. They didn’t
like to get new animals. It took 6 years
to get my dog, Molly, and she is a lot to handle already.
I had just reached my luck when they said that they were
getting rid of Peanut because they were getting a dog… Right then, I knew that
this was my chance to get the rabbit that I so rightfully deserve. I know that
it would take a lot to convince my parents to get him, so I went ahead anyways.
I told them to hold on to Peanut until I can beg my parents into letting me
have him.
So I went home to ask my parents… To my luck they were both
sitting in the living room. I asked them,
“The Jones’ are getting rid of their Holland Lop rabbit and
I really want it. Can I get him?” and of course they said,
“No way!” so I replied with,
“Why Not?” and they said,
“Because.” So I came back with,
“Give me a better reason than because we said so.” So they
“Do you know how much responsibility it takes to take care
of a rabbit?” So I said,
“Yes, it takes a lot but how will I know if I am any good at
it if you don’t let me even try?”
My parents replied with,
“No. And if you bring it up again, then we for sure WON’T
get you a rabbit.”
*Now during all this I was selling cookie dough and I was at
112 boxes sold.
We were at Subway and I brought it up again. My dad said,
“I’ll tell you what, If you sell 200 boxes, I will get you a
rabbit.” And I replied with,
“But I don’t want just any rabbit, I want Peanut.”
“Fine, but if they get rid of Peanut, before you can get
him, then we will find you a different rabbit.” So I said,
“Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!” for once in my lifetime,
I would get a rabbit! I was SO excited.
Camping---> 5.17.12
Author’s Note: This is a story about when I went camping at the zoo.
Imig invited me to snooze at the zoo, which is sleeping in a tent at
the milwaukee zoo. It was so much fun. But it also was a little scary
because we had to sleep next to the black bear cage... But, that was
better than the wolves or the lions. I would much rather sleep by the
bears than the lions or the wolves because if the bears got out they
wouldn’t do much. But if the lions got out, it would be a CAT-tastrafy.
I think that the wolves would keep you up all night with the howling.
zoo provided s’mores and spaces to put your tent. The s’mores were
delicious and the tent spot was huge... We probably could have fit a
small house in there! I ended up doing Emily’s hair and nails and we
watched the bears play... It was so much fun!:)
Give me Chocolate and nobody gets hurt... ---> 5.16.12
Note: This is a story about my chocolate addiction. I think that
chocolate is the best food in the world. And I wouldn’t get rid of
anything for chocolate and I really need to make that clear.
is my best friend. I strongly believe that chocolate is the best food
in the world and I would be greatful to anyone that gives me chocolate
and I would be as happy as a teenage girl getting a new pair of shoes. I
love chocolate, chocolate loves me and we love each other. I would be
pleased to know that a chocolate store is NOT closing...If it is, I
would be very depressed. I think that I would faint.
only is Chocolate my best friend, but it is my mom’s too. My mom LOVES
s’mores. She likes a lot of chocolate on them too. I think that she
might go into a sugar induced coma.I think she loves it a little too
much. She will most likely get buried in her grave with a chocolate bar.
my mom loves chocolate about as much as I do, we can’t eat too much
around my dad. He has diabetes and he can’t have that many sweets. It is
kind of gross to think that you have to give yourself a shot 5 times a
day. But he has learned to live with it. When I was little, he used to
act like it hurts really bad just to scare me, but now I know that it
doesn’t hurt that much.
Pets---> 5.15.12
Author’s Note: This is a story about a dog named Molly. She isn’t the brightest star in space,but she sure is close in my heart. We got her at a very young age and we have had her ever since.
Molly not only is my pet, but she is my baby. She is the reason that I work so hard... Other than my family, of course. She is the caramel to my apple, the peanut butter to my jelly and the soul to my life. Even though she has her quirks, she is a HUGE part of my life.
Molly is a Maltipoo. That means that she is a mix between a maltese and a poodle. She is the most adorable dog you will probably ever see. Once, when she got a haircut, we called her Napoleon because my neighbor, Anthony, asked if we got a new dog.
My dad said, “Yes” and Anthony said,
“Well, what happened to Molly?” and my dad answered,
“the groomer wanted her so we gave her away and he gave us Napoleon.” Anthony was freaking out by now and his sister, Sophie, came and went along with our plan. She said,
“Ya, you didn’t notice it? They got rid of Molly a long time ago and they told me.” Anthony was almost having a panic attack, so we told him that Molly just got a haircut and that we didn’t trade her in. Then he started to calm down. He said,
“Don’t you ever do that again!” to me and my dad and we were cracking up because that was so funny because he fell for it.
That is when we tricked my neighbor into thinking that we got a new dog.
School ---> 5.14.12
Author's Note: This is a story about what I think that the end of the school year is going to be like.
comes the bus, Heather was waiting anxiously for the bus to come
because today was the last day of school. No more homework, no more
teachers, no more Aleks and no more annoying 8th graders. Even though
some of the 8th graders were nice, some were horribly mean. She was
probably the most excited about that. Some of the teachers were crying
because they won’t probably ever see the 8th graders again and some
others were crying because they had to deal with the 7th graders another
year. It just hit Heather that she is going to finally be one of the
older ones in the school that the other soon to be 7th graders will look
after... That would be awesome! She also realized that it is about time
for dance camp... She has been looking forward to it for the past
Heather was happy and sad at the same time. She was happy because she gets the whole summer to just relax and she was sad because she didn’t have very many plans. But knowing her family, she would start having plans in no time... She has just about had it with all of the plans this year. The one thing that she was looking forward to was volunteering at HAWS. HAWS is the Waukesha Humane Society. She loved HAWS and just wanted to check it out. Heather thought about it for about a day and then decided that this was the job for her. I think that she figured it out right away and then took forever to tell someone. Her parents are excited for her and she was happy that they said yes. She thought that her parents would say no but she was wrong.
Heather was happy and sad at the same time. She was happy because she gets the whole summer to just relax and she was sad because she didn’t have very many plans. But knowing her family, she would start having plans in no time... She has just about had it with all of the plans this year. The one thing that she was looking forward to was volunteering at HAWS. HAWS is the Waukesha Humane Society. She loved HAWS and just wanted to check it out. Heather thought about it for about a day and then decided that this was the job for her. I think that she figured it out right away and then took forever to tell someone. Her parents are excited for her and she was happy that they said yes. She thought that her parents would say no but she was wrong.
Heather got to the assembly and she forgot that today was when the hypnotist was coming. She was so happy to see someone act like an idiot in front of the whole school. She didn't know who was going to be in the act but she knew that it would be funny. And all of her friends knew that too.So that is how Heather thinks that the last day of school will go.
Flying Cats! ---> 5.10.12
Once there was a little girl, trying to find out something
to entertain herself. Her name is Jennie. She is very easy to entertain... NOT!
Jennie wasn't sure what to do so she went out to the meadow right behind her
house. She noticed something very strange in the old abandoned house in the
meadow and so she decided to go and investigate.
Jennie wasn't sure what was in the house, but she wasn't
exactly the kind of person to just walk away. She wanted to explore. She went
inside the house to find 10 flying cats. She was being very careful because she didn't know if the cats had
rabies or if they were mean. All she knew is that they flew. As much as she wanted to take one of them home,
she couldn't because her father was allergic to cats. But she didn't know if
these cats would trigger an allergic reaction.
Jennie brought some cat food and 20 bowls for food and
water. She also brought some cat scratching areas. But instead of putting the
cat scratchers on the floor, she
connected each one to some string and hung it from the ceiling. Jennie
put some cat beds on the second floor and cleaned the windows. She also locked
the doors so the cats couldn't get out.
Jennie finally realized that she should tell someone about
the cats. Even though nobody would believe her. So she thought of the great
idea which is to take a picture of all the cats together. That might be kind of
hard with them being cats and they fly, so she decided to take a picture of one
of the cats and show it to her friend.
Jennie's Friend, Molly, didn't believe Jennie at first
because it is FLYING CATS! I wouldn't believe her either. Jennie knew that she
had done the right thing so she took Molly
to go and see the cats and they started a business of selling the cats
and it seemed to work out well because in one day already 3 cats were gone. the
next day they came back and sold 4 more cats and then there were 3 cats left so
they decided to give the cats to the cat lady down the street. Lady Margalo.
She is very kind and she was very welcoming to the new cats.
They came back to go and see the cats and they found out
that the cats were healthy and happy and they were very happy.
What do you think of your country?
What do you think of when you think of your country? I think of freedom, history and help. We all help others when they need it and that shows friendship and we win for our team. We stand and worship our president, we might not always agree with him but he has the hardest job in the world and that is running a free country. He knows what he is doing and he knows how to help our community. He helps by showing us what great sportsmanship is. We all know it’s a hard job but imagine making life changing decisions? I think that our country could use people who know how to recycle and help others in the community.
If you had to come up with the best idea to keep your state clean, then what would you say? I would say that the best way to keep my state clean is to host a cleaning party. It would be a game to see who can clean up the most in about two or three hours and whoever wins would be the judge the next year and so on. I think that a cleaning party would be fun. So now that I gave you an idea why don't you tell me what you think would be a good idea for cleaning anything really. It would just have to be able to do again with little to no equipment.
What would be your idea of a great country? Mine is a world of clean environments and I think that it would be even better if there was no fighting and no bullying and no littering. What do you think? It would be a great idea if you would create a clean up community and see if you could clean up once a month. Even though this would be hard work, it would be a good chance to help your community.
The History of Christmas and Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
Authors note- I like the fact of Jolly old Saint Nicholas, but did you know the actual history of him? I have done some research and I would like to know more but I couldn't find any more than what I have seen already.
What do you think of when you think of Christmas? I think of family and friends celebrating the birth of Christ and they don’t know the right meaning if they think of presents and Santa. A lot of people don't know who started Santa but i know it was a bishop named saint Nicholas.
saint Nicholas was a skinny man who dropped gold coins down the chimney of poor people's houses and the coins would land in stockings hanging on the chimney to dry. His name later changed to Sinter Klaas, closer to Santa Claus but not quite there yet. He came to America and it was said that a child saw him asked his name and he said, "Sinter Klaas". To the child it sounded like Santa Claus.
How did he get so fat? Well that is an easy question when you think about it. He was walking around one day and some people saw him wand felt bad for him because he was so skinny. He was invited to dinner every night for about two months and when it was Christmas, he was the fat Santa we have come to know today.
He is a great man and if you didn’t know the legend of Santa, well you do now. Christmas is a wonderful and jolly old time of year. Sitting by the fire and snuggling with family in a nice warm blanket. It seems as if families like cold nights when they can just cuddle by the fire. I know that is what I like about winter. To go outside and just wait for jolly old Saint Nicholas to come.
What Makes A Good Friend???
Author’s Note: This is a story about friends. The people who we count on and who they count on. Some are nice and honest, and some are rude and selfish jerks. Which one are you?
What is a friend? Honest, Friendly, Never leaves you out. Those are all great examples in what I like in a good friend. But that doesn’t mean that I am a good friend myself. Sure, I can sometimes leave people out, but that doesn’t mean that I am not trustworthy, affectionate and just kind. Trying to work on these qualities will truly make a person a good friend.
If you want to be a good friend you have to be the kind of person that people want to be around and that you don’t leave anyone out of a conversation or a game. If you are truly a good friend, you will be kind, gentle and NEVER leave anyone out.
What is a friend? Honest, Friendly, Never leaves you out. Those are all great examples in what I like in a good friend. But that doesn’t mean that I am a good friend myself. Sure, I can sometimes leave people out, but that doesn’t mean that I am not trustworthy, affectionate and just kind. Trying to work on these qualities will truly make a person a good friend.
If you want to be a good friend you have to be the kind of person that people want to be around and that you don’t leave anyone out of a conversation or a game. If you are truly a good friend, you will be kind, gentle and NEVER leave anyone out.
All Wrapped Up
Author’s note- This is a story about how wrapping paper feels during Christmas. I feel bad for it because of all of the trouble it goes through.
Hi, my name is Wrap. I am wrapping paper. I have gone through so much over the years. First I get rolled up on a hard cardboard roll, then I get shoved in a closet for years. I get cut at least twice a year and then ripped apart and thrown away, I go through so much pain. We wrapping papers have a lot to offer, but we can never show it because of the scissors, the ripping, the shoving and the recycling.
What I really don’t like is all of the trouble with the gift bags. Everyone likes using those because it doesn’t need any tape or scissors and I find that a huge advantage with the gift wrap. because they get to be reused and they are all shiny and they have handles. They don’t have to worry about getting thrown away. While we just have to sit and have no handles and we aren’t shiny and we don’t get reused.
With all of the talk of gift bags and the cutting and ripping, I just want to say that the times that I have with seeing the kids face just glow with excitement when they see that I am for them, They just start ripping and during the pain, I realized something, and that is that I am more than just paper, I am the secret that was meant to be told.
Hi, my name is Wrap. I am wrapping paper. I have gone through so much over the years. First I get rolled up on a hard cardboard roll, then I get shoved in a closet for years. I get cut at least twice a year and then ripped apart and thrown away, I go through so much pain. We wrapping papers have a lot to offer, but we can never show it because of the scissors, the ripping, the shoving and the recycling.
What I really don’t like is all of the trouble with the gift bags. Everyone likes using those because it doesn’t need any tape or scissors and I find that a huge advantage with the gift wrap. because they get to be reused and they are all shiny and they have handles. They don’t have to worry about getting thrown away. While we just have to sit and have no handles and we aren’t shiny and we don’t get reused.
With all of the talk of gift bags and the cutting and ripping, I just want to say that the times that I have with seeing the kids face just glow with excitement when they see that I am for them, They just start ripping and during the pain, I realized something, and that is that I am more than just paper, I am the secret that was meant to be told.
Saddest Memory
Author’s Note- This is the story of the time that I got the phone call by my dad and he told me that we have one less family member.
It was the day of the phone call. My father had called and he had told us that my grandfather was not with us anymore. I asked him, “What does that mean?” because I was very little and I didn’t know any better. He said, “Grandpa Martinson is dead.” I was so sad that I forgot to respond. I was so worried and I just left the phone on the counter and I left to sit on the couch. My dad was still on the line. But I was so devastated that I just left it there. My grandfather was no longer a part of my life.
My grandpa was the most upbeat and happy being in the whole world. He was a pilot for the Air force and also he was in the Army and Navy. He was the person who started the Waukesha air show. It was very scary because I went in his plane when I was very little. Then after that, he took me on a plane ride on every single one of my birthdays. I loved it.
If my grandpa was the greatest person and the nicest person in the whole world.In grandpa’s, I think that Donald Martinson is the greatest in the world.
It was the day of the phone call. My father had called and he had told us that my grandfather was not with us anymore. I asked him, “What does that mean?” because I was very little and I didn’t know any better. He said, “Grandpa Martinson is dead.” I was so sad that I forgot to respond. I was so worried and I just left the phone on the counter and I left to sit on the couch. My dad was still on the line. But I was so devastated that I just left it there. My grandfather was no longer a part of my life.
My grandpa was the most upbeat and happy being in the whole world. He was a pilot for the Air force and also he was in the Army and Navy. He was the person who started the Waukesha air show. It was very scary because I went in his plane when I was very little. Then after that, he took me on a plane ride on every single one of my birthdays. I loved it.
If my grandpa was the greatest person and the nicest person in the whole world.In grandpa’s, I think that Donald Martinson is the greatest in the world.
Heather's Worst Nightmare
Authors note- This is a story about the time I had a nightmare in 4th grade and I still remember it.
Smash! The monster broke out of its building and rushes down the street after Heather and Sammy. All of their loved ones made it to safety, on the other side of the city, there was a huge cage that all of the humans were inside except the two poor children, Heather and Sammy. Sammy finally got in, but the monster chased Heather into the other direction of the cage and she couldn’t get in. All that Heather did was to try and avoid the beast and to not get caught, because if she did, she herself would turn into one of those nasty beasts.
Heather was running and sweating like a dog, but she was determined to not stop running for anything except the cage. She tried her best to keep away from the monster. Nearby she had finally lost the monster, when she saw a trash can, climbed in it and heard the monster walk straight past it and once she saw that it was gone, she jumped out and ran into the cage... she was safe. And then I woke up
Dream Car
Authors Note- I wrote this piece because it was what our writing group topic was and I like it. I think that if I had to do something to an old car to make it look better, I would probably light it up like the picture below.
I don’t really like motorcycles but this one is great because it has everything I want in a car... It has cool lights. If you had to pick a favorite car, what would it be? For me, it would be a corvette with blue lights underneath the car and pink lights one the inside like cash cab. Who created the lights under the car and on the inside roof?
The world may never know who created the lights but we do know that some people use the lights to decorate the car like giant Christmas trees, but that isn’t the car I like. I like any car that the inside is like a limo and the lighting is great for seeing anything in the dark and yet the driver can see as well as if there were no lights on at all.
Limos are great and all, but they are very expensive. Which is why I would shop in the cheaper end of cars and just add the lights myself. It shouldn’t be that hard to attach the lights if you have the right tools. Even though a lot of mechanics have tried to put it up and have failed. I have been building forts with those lights since I was very young though and I haven’t failed once.
Even though it sounds easy it might be very hard and I am up for the challenge. I just can’t believe that I want this car so badly it is unbelievable. I can’t come up with any more ideas on my dream car, so this is it.
I don’t really like motorcycles but this one is great because it has everything I want in a car... It has cool lights. If you had to pick a favorite car, what would it be? For me, it would be a corvette with blue lights underneath the car and pink lights one the inside like cash cab. Who created the lights under the car and on the inside roof?
The world may never know who created the lights but we do know that some people use the lights to decorate the car like giant Christmas trees, but that isn’t the car I like. I like any car that the inside is like a limo and the lighting is great for seeing anything in the dark and yet the driver can see as well as if there were no lights on at all.
Limos are great and all, but they are very expensive. Which is why I would shop in the cheaper end of cars and just add the lights myself. It shouldn’t be that hard to attach the lights if you have the right tools. Even though a lot of mechanics have tried to put it up and have failed. I have been building forts with those lights since I was very young though and I haven’t failed once.
Even though it sounds easy it might be very hard and I am up for the challenge. I just can’t believe that I want this car so badly it is unbelievable. I can’t come up with any more ideas on my dream car, so this is it.
A dog's lifecycle
The life cycle of the average dog is incredibly heartbreaking. If dogs could live forever, that would be the happiest day of my life, and make the dogs not worry about the people being sad. I know that this isn’t right and all dogs must die some day. A dog’s life cycle is hopefully long, but it is worth it because any dog could be a best friend, a lifesaver, and even a child.
To some people, dogs are filthy mutts, and they don’t know that someday, they may need a dog, to help them if they become blind or because nobody else will talk to them. Even though the people used to hate dogs, they will find themselves buying more and more of them because they are just fun to be around and they seem like they are talking to you … well a lot of dog owners can understand a dog’s bark and figure out what each one means.
My mom had the sadness of losing a dog once. When she was very little, she had a dog named Brownie. He was starting to get very old and one day, when her sister went to take the dog out to the bathroom, he ran away and the whole family was devastated. My mom now believes that he ran away to go and die and he did so because he knew that the family would be even more upset if they saw him dead. They thought of him as their baby. He was a little angel sent from above to come and watch over the family. Now they know that dog is god backwards. Her family thought that he was a baby Jesus, but time finally took its toll.
Throughout the story, you have read about a dog’s life cycle and how they work. Now, it is time to say my farewells. I think that I have learned a lot through this journey than I have ever known about the dog that ever. If it were up to you, would you buy a dog? And I also want to know why, so If you have to ask yourself the question, then ask away.
If I Could Have Any Super Power, What Would It Be?
Author’s Note- This is a story about what super power I would have if I could choose I would choose...
If I had any super power, it would be able to fly. It sounds like a lot of fun. I would also like to have wings because I think that I would enjoy flying and having fun in the sky. Being able to reach things that I wouldn’t have been able to reach before. I would enjoy having a life full of adventure, and I like that. It would be marvelous to fly because of the adventures that I would be able to take and the fun I would have and also the endangerment of having to fly everywhere and people not having enough space from my wings. Even though it sounds fun, it would be very hard and it would just be a loss of energy.
Also it would give me a chance to be a honorable citizen. Like preserving a cat from falling out of a tree. If I did that, it would be a miracle. Also I could take the people who are less fortunate enough to not have crutches or a wheel chair. So I would help the people in the Pewaukee area.
If I had any super power, it would be able to fly. It sounds like a lot of fun. I would also like to have wings because I think that I would enjoy flying and having fun in the sky. Being able to reach things that I wouldn’t have been able to reach before. I would enjoy having a life full of adventure, and I like that. It would be marvelous to fly because of the adventures that I would be able to take and the fun I would have and also the endangerment of having to fly everywhere and people not having enough space from my wings. Even though it sounds fun, it would be very hard and it would just be a loss of energy.
Also it would give me a chance to be a honorable citizen. Like preserving a cat from falling out of a tree. If I did that, it would be a miracle. Also I could take the people who are less fortunate enough to not have crutches or a wheel chair. So I would help the people in the Pewaukee area.