Cassia Reyes lives a troubling life where the society basically lives your life for you. They decide where you work, who you love, where you live and when you die. I know it sounds a little ridiculous that they decide when you die, but it is a good way in some point of views, like if you live longer than you have the chance of disease or cancer. But if you die at the age of 80, then you have a safe fulfilling life that anyone would be happy to have. Cassia now has to decide whether to choose family over love.
Ky is an aberration, which means that he is a person in society that doesn't fit in. Cassia and Ky are now in love and they weren't supposed to. When an aberration falls in love with a matched member of society then there is big troubles because they have now committed an infraction. It isn't pleasant when you get an infraction because if you commit an infraction, then you might be sent to the outer provinces to fight withe the villagers.
Ky is the kind of guy that you would want to be around. He really likes to write...(shhhh he shouldn't know how to write) and he likes to go hiking... (with Cassia of course) He also has a job at the nutrition disposal site. Cassia does sorting. She had to do a "real life" sort and it was at the nutrition disposal center. She had to separate the people who were doing a good job and who were slacking a little bit. She knew that the people who were working fast pace were going to get a "better work position", but of course Cassia wanted Ky to get the better work position but she didn't know what the other job was. So she put Ky into the group that would be getting a better job hoping that he wouldn't have to suffer at this horrible job anymore.
Cassia soon realized that she would have to sacrifice everything to save Ky from being shipped away to the outer provinces to fight in the battle with the villagers.(which the society was losing in) for 6 months and when or if they return, they would have to continue with a normal and happy life.
Cassia eventually will go looking for Ky, but for now. She will just have to deal with the fact that Ky is gone and there is nothing she can do about it. Cassia doesn't leave until a long time and she wonders if Ky is even alive still. But all she can do is hope that he is alive and well. Cassia will really have to pay attention when she goes to look for Ky so she can find her way back home.
When Cassia goes looking for Ky, she will not only have to pay attention to where she is going but she will have to be careful about the blue tablets that Xander gave her. Ky will have to forget about Vick and everything that he saw during his time in the war.
Ky is an aberration, which means that he is a person in society that doesn't fit in. Cassia and Ky are now in love and they weren't supposed to. When an aberration falls in love with a matched member of society then there is big troubles because they have now committed an infraction. It isn't pleasant when you get an infraction because if you commit an infraction, then you might be sent to the outer provinces to fight withe the villagers.
Ky is the kind of guy that you would want to be around. He really likes to write...(shhhh he shouldn't know how to write) and he likes to go hiking... (with Cassia of course) He also has a job at the nutrition disposal site. Cassia does sorting. She had to do a "real life" sort and it was at the nutrition disposal center. She had to separate the people who were doing a good job and who were slacking a little bit. She knew that the people who were working fast pace were going to get a "better work position", but of course Cassia wanted Ky to get the better work position but she didn't know what the other job was. So she put Ky into the group that would be getting a better job hoping that he wouldn't have to suffer at this horrible job anymore.
Cassia soon realized that she would have to sacrifice everything to save Ky from being shipped away to the outer provinces to fight in the battle with the villagers.(which the society was losing in) for 6 months and when or if they return, they would have to continue with a normal and happy life.
Cassia eventually will go looking for Ky, but for now. She will just have to deal with the fact that Ky is gone and there is nothing she can do about it. Cassia doesn't leave until a long time and she wonders if Ky is even alive still. But all she can do is hope that he is alive and well. Cassia will really have to pay attention when she goes to look for Ky so she can find her way back home.
When Cassia goes looking for Ky, she will not only have to pay attention to where she is going but she will have to be careful about the blue tablets that Xander gave her. Ky will have to forget about Vick and everything that he saw during his time in the war.